Sèveline Beauregard is from Québec, Canada.
She is one of the youngest professionnal carvers in the world. In 2016, her father and sister, Guy and Mélineige Beauregard, both international carvers, invite her on some snow carving projects. Little by little, she found her place in the professionnal world.
After snow and ice carving, at the Ice Hôtel of Québec, at the Winterlude of Gatineau, at the Carvanal of Québec and more, she got into the sand carving world in 2018. Since then, she won few prices and had the opportunity to carve in other countries.
She is also the owner of a well known carving company in Québec: Sculpture BeauRegard. She feels at the right place, where she can express herself while enjoying life. She often says: "To carve, you have to be here, in the present moment.